California Registered Agent for just $49 a year!

A California registered agent, also known as a statutory agent, serves as the official point of contact for businesses in matters involving state and legal correspondence, such as subpoenas, lawsuits, annual reports, and other notifications from government agencies. As your California registered agent, we provide a consistent local presence, ensuring that your business can be properly served with legal documents. Our service guarantees that your company stays informed about all legal matters, maintaining compliance and protecting your rights.

Most states require businesses, including corporations, limited partnerships (LPs), limited liability companies (LLCs), and other entities, to designate and maintain a registered agent. This is mandatory not only in the state where the business is headquartered but also in every state where it conducts operations. For businesses operating in California, our registered agent service is here to meet your needs.

Ensure your business starts strong with a reliable registered agent!


  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 24/7 Online Document Access
  • ALL Government Fees Included
  • Free Switch your RA to us

Why use a California registered agent?

  • It is a legal requirement

    We will keep your business in good standing and away from fines and penalties.

  • More time for you

    Let us take care of your needs when you need time, We will be available every working day from 9-5.​

  • Keep matters private

    It is our address your burdens will come to. You can rest assured that important legal matters will be dealt with by us to ease your troubles. We’ll be your gatekeepers!

  • Adaptable and Efficient

    While your company grows and moves to other states, we can be your liaison wherever you may land. We make sure your legal documents reach the correct person to protect your interests.

Our location in California makes sure coverage isn’t out of reach within or around the state.

In San Francisco we are located in the dazzling neighborhood of Pacific heights. Pacific heights epitomizes the quintessential beauty of the city with panoramic views of the bay, truly an iconic location. Our office will act as your correspondence for legal documents. Ready to assist you in maintaining your company whenever you need representation.

Setting up a company in or around California?

California attracts businesspeople due to its diverse economy, which provides entrepreneurs multiple opportunities to make money. But before you can take advantage of its booming business opportunities, you must register a business to comply with the state laws. What’s more, if your business type requires you to appoint a registered agent in California, you must do so when making your business application. Here you will learn the role of a registered agent in your business and how to get the right one.

Do I Need a Registered Agent in California?

When you start a business in California (save for general partnerships and sole proprietorships), you create an entity that has the right to sue and be sued. Authorities thus treat your business as separate from you. To ensure this separation, you must designate someone as your registered agent in California. Their role is to act as the main point of contact between third parties and your business, e.g., if the state wants to send your business a tax notice, it will do so through this agent.

So, must you hire a registered agent in California? The answer depends on your business type. Overall, the following business categories necessitate the nomination of an agent:

  • Corporations (Both C and S).
  • Limited liability companies.
  • Limited partnerships.
  • Limited liability partnerships.
  • Non-profit organizations.

Per the California business laws, anyone starting any of these businesses must have a registered agent in California. However, people starting sole proprietorships or general partnerships are not subject to this requirement.

Registered Agent Services in California

Knowing what a registered agent in California does helps determine the best person for the role as you start your business. So, what are their responsibilities?

  • They receive official documents: Your business will receive notices from the state for various reasons, including filing deadlines. An agent should receive these on your behalf.
  • They accept service of process in California: If anyone files a legal complaint against your business, they must provide you with court records to notify you of the case. Your agent will accept these documents.
  • They forward legal and official paperwork: An agent’s work does not stop at accepting documents. Instead, it also encompasses providing the documents to the right departments. For example, service of process in California should go to your legal team.
  • They maintain business records: Keeping track of all your business documents helps you know what to pay attention to and when. Your agent should fulfill this role by maintaining efficient records and using them to notify you of impending deadlines.

Your registered agent in California should also be knowledgeable about state business laws. This knowledge enables them to ensure you comply with the latest regulations and remain in good standing.

Registered Agent for LLC in California

LLCs are separate legal entities, and Californian state laws treat them as such. However, business owners must hire a registered agent for LLC in California to ensure this separation remains clear. Not only does this help them stay compliant with business registration laws, but it also comes with the following perks:

  • Reduced risk of penalties and fines: To keep your business running, you must file your business paperwork on time – the authorities will send you notices regarding such upcoming deadlines to ensure you do not miss the filing dates. With a registered agent in California, you can remain in the loop, filing your documents on time and avoiding fines and penalties that can result from non-compliance.
  • Increased business efficiency: When you have an agent handling your legal and official documents, you can focus on what matters most to your business, which allows you to run a much more successful venture. Moreover, by having someone handling this role, you can rest assured that you will have access to critical information about your business at all times.

The person or business you hire as your registered agent for LLC in California greatly influences your good standing with the state.

California Registered Agent Requirements

As you designate a registered agent in California for your business, you must make sure that they meet the following requirements:

  • They must be at least 18 years old or a registered business. If you hire a person, they must be an adult capable of entering into a contract. If it’s a business, it must be registered and comply with Californian business laws.
  • They must have a physical address in California. Your agent for service of process in California will receive official and legal documents via mail or in person, so they must have a physical location where officers can reach them when they want to serve them with paperwork. This address should be an actual address, not a P.O. Box.
  • They must be available during the standard working hours: The delivery of official and legal documents takes place during regular business hours. As such, the agent you hire must consent to be available during this time so that you never miss out on important paperwork.

The state will not allow you to nominate someone who does not meet these California registered agent requirements.

How Do I Appoint a Registered Agent in California?

Given the importance of a registered agent in California, you must hire one as you start your business. But what’s the process of appointing one?

  1. Select the right agent for your business: Your agent, who can be a person or a business, must meet all the requirements set out by the state of California.
  2. Get the consent of the person or business you have nominated: Your agent’s address cannot be displayed on public records without their permission. They must complete the paperwork, allowing you to list them as your business point of contact.
  3. Finalize your registration paperwork: You will need to submit your business application and include details about your registered agent. For example, LLCs require complete Articles of Organization.

Once you submit these forms, the state will process your application and verify the details of your registered agent.

Benefits of Using a Professional Registered Agent in California

The roles of a registered agent in California are so crucial to your business that they can build or break it down. Can hiring a professional make a difference? Of course! Getting professional registered agent services in California comes with the following benefits:

  1. It helps you maintain your good standing: A professional registered agent in California understands how the state laws work and how they can affect your business in the long term. As such, they ensure they keep you informed of all notices and upcoming deadlines, making it easy for you to remain compliant.
  2. It boosts confidentiality: Service of process can affect your business image. A professional knows how to receive and process legal paperwork privately to ensure that pending lawsuits do not affect your business reputation.
  3. It enhances organization: Your business will receive paperwork from different authorities. Over time, staying on top of what you need to do can be challenging. However, with a professional registered agent in California, you can rely on efficient document handling that will allow you to know what you need to file and when.

Hiring professional registered agent services in California takes the work of compliance follow-ups off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on your core business operations, thus boosting your business performance.

How To Choose the Right Registered Agent in California?

While you can always change your registered agent once your business is up and running, starting with a good choice is always best, as this sets you up for success. So, what should you consider when making this decision?

  1. Working hours: Your registered agent in California must be available during standard working hours. Otherwise, they could miss out on important notices and documents, hurting your business.
  2. Location: Authorities and third parties can reach your business by mail or in person. In the latter case, your agent must have a location in California where people can deliver official and legal documents. This address will be on public records per the state’s law.
  3. Experience: While many people can qualify to serve as registered agents per the state’s business laws, not all are a good choice for your business. You need someone who understands how compliance works and the importance of their role in your business.
  4. Reliability: How capable are they of handling documents efficiently? Can you rely on them to forward important documents as soon as they receive them? Can they keep updated records? You want to work with an agent who can keep your business running efficiently.
  5. Coverage: Suppose you run your business in different locations or wish to expand to another state. In such a case, you will want to work with an agent who can offer registered agent services in California and in other regions, too, as this allows easier collaboration.

Finding registered agent services in California, thus, comes down to assessing these factors and choosing the person or business that best meets the criteria most important to you.

Is It Possible to Be Your Own Registered Agent in California?

Business owners can also meet the registered agent criteria. But should you represent your business? It’s a good idea if you have a physical location in the state, can be available during business hours, and have the expertise to carry out the task. However, if you cannot guarantee your availability or don’t have experience in this area, it’s best to delegate the task to a trustworthy registered agent.

Hiring a registered agent in California is not just a way to comply with state business laws. Instead, it can serve as the gateway to more efficient business operations and a better business image.