Texas Registered Agent for just $49 a year!

Texas Registered agent (or statutory agent) represent companies in regards to receiving state and legal documents such as subpoenas, lawsuits, yearly reports, and numerous other posts from administrative agencies. As Texas registered agent, we will maintain a close proximity presence so that consumers have the ability to properly serve claims to a company. We will ensure that your company is always properly informed when it comes to legal matters, assuring due process.

The majority of states require that corporations, limited partnerships (LPs), limited liability companies (LLCs), as well as other corporate world institutions, assign and keep a registered agent. These companies need to appoint an agent in the state they reside and every state that business will be conducted. As in this case, you are here for a Texas Registered agent service.

To start a business off on the right foot, start with a Registered agent!


  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 24/7 Online Document Access
  • ALL Government Fees Included
  • Free Switch your RA to us

Why use a Texas registered agent?

  • It is a legal requirement

    We will keep your business in good standing and away from fines and penalties.

  • More time for you

    Let us take care of your needs when you need time, We will be available every working day from 9-5.​

  • Keep matters private

    It is our address your burdens will come to. You can rest assured that important legal matters will be dealt with by us to ease your troubles. We’ll be your gatekeepers!

  • Adaptable and Efficient

    While your company grows and moves to other states, we can be your liaison wherever you may land. We make sure your legal documents reach the correct person to protect your interests.

Our location in Texas makes sure coverage isn’t out of reach within or around the state.

In the great state of Texas we are located in uptown Houston. Our office sits in the famous Galleria area in a newly-renovated commercial high-rise building. The shopping mall is the largest in Texas and provides a top of the line shopping experience for Texans and tourists from around the world. Using our Texas location will steer your legal matters to our reputable public address instead of your own. This assures privacy protection for your public listing within the database of Texas corporations.

Setting up a company in or around Texas?

As you register a business in Texas and complete the necessary paperwork per your business type, the state will require you to fill in your registered agent’s details. Authorities pay a lot of attention to this information as it helps them understand who they can contact to deliver official notices regarding your business. Moreover, this information proves vital during court processes. Here we will why you need to hire a registered agent in Texas, how to get one, and what happens if you do not comply with this registration requirement.

Do I Need a Registered Agent in Texas?

Texas is one of the most favorable states for business formation, making it the go-to for many entrepreneurs. But must you have a registered agent in Texas to start a business in the state? The answer depends on your business type. The following entities must have a registered agent in Texas:

  • Corporations.
  • Limited liability companies.
  • Limited partnerships.
  • Limited liability partnerships.
  • Non-profit organizations.

If your business falls into any of the categories above, state laws require you to nominate a person or company to serve as your registered agent in Texas. Without this nomination, you cannot start or operate a business in the state.

Registered Agent Services in Texas

registered agent is a person or company charged with being the main point of contact for your business. As such, when anyone wants to reach your business, they can address their communication through this agent. The duties of your registered agent in Texas include:

  1. Receiving official documents: As long as your business operates, the state will send you official notices to help you understand your current standing, e.g., tax notices. An agent’s job is to receive these documents on your behalf.
  2. Receiving service of process: Any business can be sued by a third party. It’s up to your agent for service of process in Texas to receive any legal notices or court records, whether by mail or in person. In some cases, the process may happen by publication.
  3. Handling business records: Once your registered agent in Texas receives legal and official paperwork, they should organize it to ensure it lands in the right hands. For example, tax notices should go to the accounts department. The agent is also responsible for keeping up with upcoming deadlines and informing you.

Most importantly, a registered agent in Texas keeps you compliant with state business regulations by informing you of any changes so you can act on time.

Registered Agent for LLC in Texas

State laws dictate that all limited liability companies (LLCs) must have a registered agent. But what happens if you do not hire one or fail to get a reliable person to take on this task?

1) Not hiring one.

Any business that does not have a registered agent for LLC in Texas is not eligible for registration. As such, even if you meet all other registration criteria, your application will not go through until you hire someone for the job. If you operate without registration, you will violate the state laws and incur penalties or fines.

2) Hiring an unreliable agent.

You cannot hire just anyone to represent your business. If you give this job to someone unqualified, you will set the stage for the following issues:

  • You can lose your good standing: The authorities evaluate businesses based on their compliance with deadlines, such as how soon they file their taxes. The more you fall behind, the worse your standing will be, ultimately affecting your relationship with the authorities and potential investors.
  • You can lose lawsuits: Legal processes require you to provide accurate and timely information at each phase. If your agent does not inform you of existing lawsuits or deadlines, you can fail to prepare adequately, reducing your winning chances. In some cases, you could even get default judgments.
  • You can incur fines or penalties: If you fail to file official and legal paperwork on time, you can be subject to fines or penalties, e.g., late filings include a late file fee. These extra charges can increase your overall business expenses.
  • You could lose your registration: Complying with LLC requirements allows you to keep running your business. If your agent makes mistakes that affect your compliance, the state can decide to dissolve your business.

As such, hiring a registered agent for LLC in Texas is not the only goal—you must also find one who can protect your business.

Texas Registered Agent Requirements

Before hiring anyone to represent your business, you must take note of all the Texas registered agent requirements, which are as follows:

  1. They must be at least 18 years old or a registered business entity: The law allows you to hire anyone over 18 who is capable of entering into a contract. You can also delegate this role to a registered business offering registered agent services in Texas.
  2. They must have a physical address in the state: If your business operations are in Texas, you must hire a registered agent in Texas. Please note that the address must be an actual street address and not a P.O. Box, as document delivery often has to be in person.
  3. They must be available during the standard working hours: Service of process and other paperwork deliveries take place during these hours, necessitating the registered agent to be available during this window.

Anyone who meets these requirements can serve as a registered agent in Texas for LLC or other business entity that requires one. However, as we covered in the previous section, reliability is integral to compliance and, thus, the continuity of your business.

How Do I Appoint a Registered Agent in Texas?

You will appoint a registered agent in Texas for your business when completing your business registration paperwork. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Find a good agent: You can choose anyone who meets the state requirements to be a registered agent, including registered agent services in Texas offered by businesses.
  2. Get consent from your agent: Before anyone or a business can represent you, they must complete form 401-A and consent to being the point of contact for your business. You can get this form from the Texas SOS page.
  3. Complete form 205: You must also complete your certification paperwork, as you will file it with the consent form.

Once you submit the paperwork and pay the filing fees (both of which can be done online), you will have nominated your registered agent in Texas. As soon as your business application is approved, you can start operating your business.

Benefits of Using a Professional Registered Agent in Texas

The flexibility of registered agent requirements means you can hand over the task to anyone who fits the criteria, including family and friends. But what would happen if you delegated this crucial task to a professional?

  • Increased compliance: Professional registered agent services in Texas hire experts who understand the ins and outs of Texas business laws. As such, you can trust them to dot every “i” and cross every “t” when handling your paperwork, thus informing you of deadlines and legal suits on time.
  • More privacy: With a professional registered agent, you will not need to disclose your business address as the point of contact, which allows you to enjoy privacy. What’s more, service of process will not take place in the full glare of your employees or clients, enabling you to handle lawsuits discreetly.
  • Enhanced record keeping: Professional registered agent services in Texas hinge on efficiency. They will ensure that your business records are maintained well, allowing you to refer to them whenever needed. Moreover, they will forward all the legal and official documents to the proper departments in your business.

A professional registered agent in Texas also understands how to keep you on the good side of the law and will point out areas where you can make changes to better your overall business efficiency.

How To Choose the Right Registered Agent in Texas?

Getting the best representation from the start allows you to maintain good standing with the state. So, how do you find the right registered agent in Texas for your business?

  1. Consider their location: If your business operates in Texas, your agent must be in Texas. Only then can their physical address match the state requirements.
  2. Focus on their expertise: Have they done this before? How qualified are they? You want to hire a person or business conversant with state business laws and the importance of business compliance.
  3. Think about the future: Are you planning to expand to other states? You will want an agent who can offer you services even after your expansion, as this will reduce your overall paperwork.

Most importantly, you want a professional registered agent in Texas who can assure you of prompt document handling and timely notifications.

Is It Possible to Be Your Own Registered Agent in Texas?

State requirements allow you to represent yourself if you meet the requirements for a registered agent in Texas. However, serving this role restricts you to the business address during standard business hours and increases the risk of missing deadlines due to handling a lot of paperwork. If you have the expertise to take on this role and do not mind listing your address on public records, you can nominate yourself. But if you would rather delegate this task, you can always find a professional who can serve this rule efficiently.

Nominating a registered agent in Texas sets the pace for your business compliance, overall continuity, and professional image. Thus, it is important to find a reliable person or business to handle this crucial role for your benefit.